Archive for May, 2010

Athena of Corinth and Alexandria is born

I can’t help myself. I love to have a cover up on my second screen that keeps me in touch with my characters.

My husband and I created the character Athena over the weekend. She’s the new woman for the second book of the Red Mirror Series. Elektra for one day, the name Athena better fits her intelligence and spirituality. She’s plenty sexy though, but different than Isis – less party girl and more ancient world woman executive.

Elektra will likely be the the third book which of the Egypt trilogy and set in Rome and Egypt and revolve around Antinous, the lover of Hadrian.

Athena is head priestess at the Temple of Aphrodite in Corinth and runs a sacred prostitution cult of 1,000 women. (That part is NOT fiction!)   Athena will travel to Alexandria Egypt during the Ptolemaic Period – exact year soon to be determined. My research is opening some new doors and I haven’t yet decided which one to enter. And so the next adventure has begun!

May 26, 2010 at 4:14 pm 2 comments

Final draft (sic) of Isis of the Red Mirror Series

It seems like it has taken me almost as long to do the 2nd and 3rd drafts of Isis as it did to write the original draft. But it’s a better book now, thanks to a workshop I attended with Catherine Ryan Hyde on self-editing.  We were seven aspiring novelists who bared our souls to the group by bringing the first 25 pages of our books and listening to Catherine read them out loud. I learned a lot about my propensity to use the verbs “was” and “were.”

Some of the chapters have had only one re-write while others took two.  I spent almost two days condensing the first 5 chapters to 2. I have gone from 100,000 words to 95,000, so believe you might call that progress.

I also have designed a book cover which acted as an inspiration for me as I wrote.  I highly recommend creating a cover and keeping the image in front of you.

Catherine encouraged me to go the traditional route and send out to agents.  She told me I needed to get a lot of rejections before I gave up.  That part comes next!

The next problem is genre. Catherine intimated that I may have created my own. I’m pretty sure that’s not a good thing. Not really romance because Isis has three gorgeous men in her life that any woman could fall in love with. There is lots of action and adventure, plenty of sex but always with passion or purpose, and lots of information about the wonderful period of history called the Late Period of Ancient Egypt. My goal was to take the reader back and so far, everyone who has read passages from the book, agrees that I succeeded.  But it’s not totally historical, because much of it takes place in glamorous Las Vegas.  Then there is the paranormal aspect of reincarnation, visiting past lives and the mystery of the Emerald Tablet.  I packed a lot into these pages!

I am going to use Sandra Gore for this book. I had thought Sabrina Gee, but it turned out not to be that racy, after all. I’ll put my name on it!

note: If you want to see a photo of the actual Red Mirror, go to The Red Mirror in my pages section: Excerpts from Sex and Zen.

May 16, 2010 at 1:24 am 8 comments

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