Archive for April, 2010

Finished First Draft of “Isis” – first of Red Mirror series

Sandra celebrates finishing 1st draft of Isis in the Red Mirror Series with husband Jesper and Garden Dude David Georgi at writers bench

Yesterday afternoon was a first in my life. I had finished the Egyptian part of my novel on Saturday: plot strings tied up, emotionally satisfying ending.

Isis was set to go back to Las Vegas and I had this panic that I wouldn’t be able to do it – to finish the book.

I needed to get several characters to the right place, set everyone up for the next book, and leave the reader feeling good.

Over dinner my husband and I discussed the men characters as they are incarnated in Las Vegas.

Thanks to his suggestions, I fleshed them out solidly in my mind.  They became real.

I let them germinate on Sunday, played around with some scenes and dialogue, and had Easter dinner with friends. Then Monday, April 5, I sat down and put them in the scenes I had envisioned and let them go at it. By 5:00 pm I finished.

99,539 words – 6 weeks

Isis ended up with a different guy than I intended, but she made her choice.  And there’ s always the next book and the next visit to the past to get another.

I actually cried. It was crazy, but I just had to cry. It was the emotional release of childbirth. No kidding, it was that profound.

My husband and I went for a walk along the ocean and then up to our local cafe for fish tacos and a Corona. They have a Taco Hour special, everything 2 bucks.

Then I put on my Egyptian wig (check out photo) and we cracked a bottle of Veuve Clicquot with our neighbors Carol and David, who have lived Isis with me. David and I meet at the writers bench almost every sunset.

Joy, great joy is the best description I can give.

April 6, 2010 at 5:48 pm 4 comments

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